Sunday, April 15, 2012

Summer Projects To-Do List

My list seems to be growing longer and longer as the weather warms up.

A few on my items included:
Finding an old dresser on the local classified website and re-do it for my media cabinet in my Family Room.

Find an old coffee table on the classified website/thrift store and make it into a picnic table for my kids to use outside.

Paint my kitchen cabinets white.

Have Flow Wall panels installed in my garage so I can get all the clutter off the ground.

Monday, April 9, 2012


For Valentines Day my husband bought me my ticket to go to the SNAP! Blog Conference. 

It's next week and I'm really really excited! 
I've slacked off a bit lately in my blogging but I hope to be reinvigorated after attending and I hope to learn some really great things that will be helpful for me.

Are you coming too? I would love to get to know some of my readers! 
Shoot me a comment and let me know.

And one of the best things for me is that it's only a 20 minute drive from my home!
I seriously love Thanksgiving Point. What a perfect venue for this conference.
And right in the middle of the Tulip Festival.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

AccuQuilt Winner

We have a Winner!

 The Winner of the AccuQuilt Go! Baby Machine is:

#74 Lisa Cox



Lisa, you have 48 hours to contact me before I need to pick a new winner.
camillastarks at gmail dot com