Monday, November 1, 2010

Visiting Teaching Kits

For those of you that are LDS and have sisters to Visit Teach here is a post for you. I know we are not asked to bring something to our sisters when we visit teach, but man, isn't it so much more fun to take something and also so much fun to receive too! Well, I came across this idea originally from Sugardoodle where people make cutesy vt kits and sell them (for people like me that don't have much brain for creative stuff like this) I would so much rather someone else think it up and put it together and me just pay them some money. Here's a couple different websites to check each month.

Each month there is the Whole Visiting Teaching message, usually a recipe, and a cute way to put it all together, and sometimes a treat. If there is no treat I try to always add one.

Just Beccuz Handmaid Gifts

Pioneer Party & Gift

Amy's Basket Design

Hand Picked Daisy

If anyone knows of any other sites that do these let me know and I will get them listed in the future. I will post them off to the side in a separate box.

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