Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Shabby Chic Frames

I bought these frames at the DI (local second hand store) I liked them because they were deep. I bought them several months ago, and finally found a use for them.
 They were gold with speckles of black in them.

My intention was to spray paint them BRIGHT pink and then White over the top of the pink and then sand them down a bit so that the Pink would show through the sanding.

Here is the pink layer, It was like 20 degrees in the garage when I was doing this...It was taking FOR.EVER!!
 I finally brought them inside and finished the process downstairs (unfinished basement = nothing to get messy).

I started to sand them down and the pink wasn't really showing through it was just going directly to the GOLD layer! Sick! So...I just did my best and there were a few spot where the pink did it's job. Thank You Pink! But you definitely still see gold, Oh Well.

 Here's my Babies in all their Shabby Chic-ness, and my kids too, ;)
Pictures done by my amazing friend Mandi at Lou Lou Photography.
She has serious talent oozing from her camera!

Hung on the Wall, love the contrast between the yellow wall and the white frames, the white frames match the white trim nicely. (sorry for the glare on the glass)

 OK, Things I learned:
  • I need to PRIME things before using spray paint. I was doing WAY too many coats of spray paint to get the thing covered up.
  • Only do spray paint inside where it's warm, or warm weather outside.
  • Don't park your car over the spray painted newspaper because the smell will permeate your car and you can't get rid of it for awhile. Hubby learned that the hard way :)


  1. These turned out so very cute. I am impressed. Talk about spray painting nightmares!! I was outside this morning spray painting something, with the garage up and the wind was blowing like crazy. Needless to say, this thing I was spray painting is going to need some serious painting handiwork... so, I echo your words: no spray painting when it's cold/windy, etc outside.

    Love the project!

  2. too cute!! and yea i learned the priming idea the hard way too! ha!
