Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Spring Centerpieces

Time for some fun centerpieces now that it's almost spring time!
I tried to find natural looking stuff, but wanted to stay away from fresh flower stuff because...come on, let's be honest, NO ONE has $ to keep buying fresh flowers to keep up a cute centerpiece.

Terrarium, not much up keep.

Lemon Tree (fake of course, I saw this in a friends home, it was very cute) 

Anything moss covered.

I think this is so simple and cute! And Gerber Daisy's come in every color under the sun.

I LOVE anything to do with cherries, cherry blossoms, etc.
I know that this centerpiece looks like it's for a wedding/party, but I LOVE it so much.
I love the square vase inside the square wreath!!

1 comment:

  1. my mom has a real lemon tree at her house and it's awesome.
