Sunday, February 27, 2011

Vacay & an Award!

I was in St. George, UT this weekend on a little family vacation. We had such a good time.
We ate at the best Mexican Restaurant, Los Palmeras (sp?). It was kind of a hole in the wall, plus if you are going for nice atmosphere, this is not your place, BUT if you seriously do want the best mexican food this is it. The best I've had in UT! I've lived a couple miles away from the Mexican border, and this is the best Mexican food I've eaten since that time. 

Also, The Bear Paw is such a good breakfast spot to eat, but be prepared to wait a while to get seated and once seated it will be awhile until you get your food. But MAN! the food is very good. French toast to DIE for!! Bring snacks and things to keep the kids busy until the food arrives.


And if you LOVE card games you have to try Wizard! We always play Wizard with my sister and her husband (they introduced us to the game) and it's SO fun. You have to have a Wizard Deck though.

Heather over at What It's All About gave me the Versatile Blogger award.

So, here are the rules:

- Thank the person who gave you the award!

- Share 7 things about yourself.
- Pass the award on to 5 other versatile bloggers.

My 7 things:
  1. I'm crazy for anything cherry.
  2. I LOVE Yard Sales.
  3. I served an LDS mission.
  4. I love to do gardening...all kinds, flower & vegetable.
  5. My dishwasher has to be loaded a certain way.
  6. We have season tickets for the Utah Jazz and I enjoy going more to the games than my husband.
  7. I love a REALLY good book.


  1. Thank you so much! I will pass on the love!

  2. Thank you so much. I appreciate you thinking of me!

  3. thank you for the award! Totally made my day!


  4. Oooh...thanks for the restaurant reviews. I am from AZ so i am jonesing for some good mexican food!
    I will have to remember Los Palmeros the next time we travel south.
    Your header picture is so so cute! Thanks for nominating me.
