Wednesday, April 20, 2011

DIY Activity Puzzles

My oldest daughter gets so bored in church and I'm always trying to come up with new ideas to keep her quiet and busy. Another mom I know had made these 'puzzles' for her girls. 

You can adapt this concept to use any pictures that will keep your kid happy and quiet and busy. I chose to use Religious pictures because that is what I would like my daughter focusing on while in church.

 I bought these Magnetic Sheets but they weren't what I thought...I thought that the white would peel off and be sticky so I could adhere the pictures, but they didn't peel. So I had to Modge Podge my pictures onto the sheets of magnet.

 They were kind of bubbling with the Modge Podge so I had to weight them down while they dried.
 Then I cut them up...You could probably get more creative with your cutting designs but I went for simple.
You can go to the thrift store and buy a small cookie sheet and use it as a magnet board and stick it in your church bag.

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