Friday, May 27, 2011

Japanese Maple- Swoon!

OH My Heck!
I've been thinking about getting a second Japanese Maple for my flower beds in the front yard. I was at a local flower nursery (Glover) and scoped out their shipment. They were A.May.Zing!

Tamukeyama Laceleaf Japanese Maple
 See the picture below and to the left is my Japanese Maple that I already have. The one I bought today is going just across the walkway on the right. I am completely revamping that flower bed. I had a lot of stuff die over the winter. I dug it all out and got it prepped for new plants!

 And all these plants are going into the urns and I have an old antique wash tub that I plant flowers in every year!

 I love all these colors together, Can't wait to get them all done and looking good. I'll show you pictures when I'm all done.

1 comment:

  1. Wahoo for the new J Maple tree. Can't wait to see the after pix. MM
