Monday, May 23, 2011

{The Most Interesting Man in the World}

Is your husband anything like mine and LOVES the "Most Interesting Man in the World" commercials? (let me say it has nothing to do with it being a beer commercial, but he loves them for the goofy lines they come up with).

I think they are so goofy! But probably because my husband can go on and On and ON about them. He and his buddies make up new phrases for the commercial. It would not be unusual for my husband to get a random text messages late at night from one of the buddies with another phrases he made up. If the commercial is brought up while we are out with friends the conversation will last at least 20 minutes!

So anyway, I thought it would be so clever to make him a shirt with "The Most Interesting Man in the World" on it.

It was my very first project to do with my new Silhouette!

I was told to peel straight back at a 45 degree angle for the best results.

I used Flocked Heat Transfer...So it's kind of fuzzy...Can you tell?

Today's Creative Blog


  1. I am such a huge fan of your blog! such fun ideas. I look forward to seeing more. this is a perfect idea for fathers day.


  2. Oh my goodness-I might just have to do this for my husband for Father's Day. He loves that commercial. Too funny! xo, Mique

  3. Love it! May steal this idea for Father's Day. BTW: Visiting from Not Just a Housewife Linky Party.

  4. Very cute shirt! My husband's crazy for that commercial, too. :-)

  5. LOVE this! Whoever thought of that commercial campaign is genius!

  6. Oh I'm sooo jealous..I want a Silhouette!!

    I made my son a "I survived the Rapture of 2011 and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" with freezer paper and it took me like 2hrs!!

    Oh someday....I'm being VERY cheap and hoping the nice people at Silhouette will let me give one away on my blog....a girl can dream:-)

  7. OMG I had to come over from The Shabby Chic Cottage link party when I saw the picture. I was giggling about it so much that my boyfriend wanted to know what I was looking at and now he wants one! Hilarious! Thanks for sharing

  8. This is so cute! I think I might love these commercials more than my boyfriend... just hilariously awesome every time you see it! I can't even imagine what people will say when they see him wearing that - maybe start quoting the commercial? Offering him drinks? : )
