Monday, May 16, 2011

Weekend Finds

It's my birthday today and every year I ask my husband to stay home and watch the kids while I go yard saleing ( i don't know what the correct spelling is for yard saleing but nothings popping up).

My housing community had their annual yard sale day on Saturday so I was out and about by 7:15 and I got lots of good stuff. 

I love this metal basket, and I love the wooden handle on it! $1
 I got this large rug for when our basement is finished...will put it in the playroom. $7 
Needs a seriuos cleaning.
 Flannel Twin Sheet set, now that my daughter is in her big girl bed, will be good for next winter. $4

I also got a small mountain of clothes for my girls,
4 nice wooden Suit Hangers 50 cents each
a new Stainless Steel Colander $1
Stainless Steel Spoon Rest 50 cents
Wooden Bear Puzzle $1

In total I only spent $20

I {Heart} Yard Sales!


  1. I love that basket. Great find.

  2. My fav is the basket too. A great day for your BD. I think some nice hotdogs would look nice in the basket! have an excellent day. MOM

  3. Hi Camilla! I'm awarding you the Versatile Blogger Award. You can learn more about it here
