Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pin-It Wednesdays - #1

Ok...I'm going to attempt to do something new and different...please let me know if this is lame!

I want to do a Pinterest Linky Party once a week.

I think this is how it will go:

Where you normally put the name of your Post you are linking up you will put your Pinterest user name (so others can find you on Pinterest and follow you)
Then in the URL field you will post the URL to your Favorite Pin you found this week. which will have you upload a picture from the Web.
and of course your email, which is not published.

Then...Spread the Word

This is a new kind of Linky Party! 
I'm always looking for new people to follow on Pinterest.

Thanks for Playing...Let me know if there are any bugs to iron out.


  1. Hi there - great idea! Hope I have done this right - have linked to my own image to test - will now try to link to my fave of the week!
    Lowri :-)

  2. I'm a new follower of your blog, love it! This is a fantastic idea!! Thanks for hosting! :)

  3. this is so cool - but how do you get an invite to that site? it looks like fun.

  4. {love} this! I did my first link wrong, I think! #18. Go ahead and delete it if you want to!

    Happy Day,
    Jasey @ Crazy Daisy

  5. Great idea! Found you through TT&J (I'm a new follower)

  6. came from TT&J. thanks for hosting!

  7. Sent over from TT&J. Great party & I've already found some new "pretties".

  8. Coming over from TT&J! I'm your newest follower :)

    Check out my blog @ This Crazy Blessed Life

  9. Love this idea! Great way to find new pinner friends :)

  10. Fun link party Camilla!! Great idea, I've linked up.

    So excited for your tutorial with us on LTC this summer!! :)

    Take care!


  11. Sorry I double posted (43-44), I'm that kinda noob! :-) I think this is a great idea & look forward to posting & participating again. Unfortunately I'm not a blogger, just a pinterest addict. Thanks for thinking of this idea. Second post has the correct linky back to my pinterest. :-)

  12. Love it! How do you get an invite? Looks like so much fun!

  13. Oh, what a great idea! It's a "feature-someone-else" linky. I love it.

  14. Thanks so much for such a fantastic idea and linky party! Just another way to waste more time on the fabulous site! Sorry I double linked, if you could/want to delete #44.
    ~*jessica lauren @

  15. I think this is a SUPER fun link party idea!!! I hope you don't mind, I saw your comment on Char's fbook page and wanted to come link up! Just like she said I'm just now learning how to navigate pinterest and all but SHEEESH is it fun and addictive! :) Thanks for hosting!

    You have an amazing blog too!! I'm a happy new follower! :)

  16. This is so cool.. Found you through Alli Lilly.. And I think this is a great linky party idea.. :)
    Oh and I mistakenly linked my profile with a huge face image.. Please remove it.. I'm feeling strange!
    Thanks again
    Following you!

  17. Thanks a bunch for hosting, found you through Alililly facebook. I'm following your pins now!!

    Have a wonderful day Camilla :)

