Thursday, July 28, 2011


I have spent SO MANY hours this week thinking about and looking at carpet for our basement!
I swear I could be a carpet salesman now. I've got all the lingo down!
BUT, I still haven't decided what to buy for the basement. 

 If anyone has bought carpet lately what have you bought and why?
Shag or Plush? Nylon or Poly? 
Do you upgrade the pad?

I'm struggling trying to find a great deal.
Any carpet buying tips you want to share with me?


  1. We got new carpet a year ago through Empire. Btw, they are not the cheapest at first but I had done my homework and had the density and quality and price info on many other places and when it was all said and done, I felt they got their prices down comparable to Home Depot/Lowes prices. With 4 kids, it was worth it to me to upgrade to the pad with the waterproof lining. We also got the recycled carpet...not sure what it's called....but it cleans up FABULOUS. We have it in the regular plush carpet style and my mom has it in more of a shag style. Hers is about 8 yrs old and even with 3 dogs, hers still looks brand new.

    Good luck!

  2. I just got a cream colored stainmaster plush carpet. My son has split grape juice and it cleans up great. We got ours for half the price by checking out local places. As for the pad we just got cheap padding but it feels good because we have the plush carpet.

  3. Loop and frieze textures would be more suitable for frequently used areas, as they don’t tend to crush or show stains, such as footprints, as compared to other carpet textures. On the other hand, plush and shag carpets are best for areas with less-traffic.

    - Kathy Carbone
