Tuesday, August 2, 2011

{5 Years} and Guest Posting!

Happy 5 year anniversary to me and my husband!

5 Years
2 Kids
8 Cars
2 Places we lived in
1 Pet (only lasted a week)
A Million Kisses
Thousands of "I Love You's"

I'm so grateful for everything you have done for me!
I Love you so much!
We'll have another 5 great years.

Check out Someday Crafts to see my Nursery "After" picture.
I will be Guest Posting over there today!


  1. Happy Ann. The nursery looks great! Thx for the pix. MM

  2. Your wedding pictures are gorgeous! You look stunning. Steve looks good.

    8 cars??? No. Really? Okay, I get it.

    Happy Anniversary! Hope it's so wonderful.

  3. Just came over from Someday Crafts. You've got a new follower. :) Love your blog! GORGEOUS wedding pictures. Thanks for sharing and Happy Anniversary to you both!
