Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Guest Post {The Story of Home}

Cute Lindsay contacted me about doing a guest post a little while ago and I'm glad to have her here today.

Hi, my name is Lindsay, and I write...

I’m so excited to be here today and share one of my latest projects with you! A few weeks ago I helped my sister transform her bedroom (you can ready more about that here). One of my favorite projects during the makeover was creating an artichoke pendant from vintage book pages! I was inspired by this photo I found on etsy. 

I was not inspired by the price however, $55. So we decided to make one ourselves for a fraction of the cost, and here’s how we did it. 

First, you need a white paper lantern. We found this one from World Market for $8, but I know Ikea sells them as well. 

Then you need some vintage books; we bought 4 for a total of $5 (we only ended up using 2). 

Then you stick in a good movie and go to town cutting circles from the pages. The size of the circles can vary based on what you prefer. We used a glass cup as our template. 

After the circles are cut, you’re ready to glue; we used regular tacky craft glue. The trick to gluing is to start at the base of the lamp; this ensures the circles will overlap nicely from the top down.

And there you have it! A beautiful artichoke pendant made from vintage book pages, and for only $13! Here it is in the space; I love the character and texture it brings to the room. 

Thanks to Camilla for letting me share this project with you all; I hope you enjoyed it! 

I just love this project, so simple and affordable!
Make sure you go and check out her great blog full of interior design tips and ideas.
Thanks Lindsay!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, this is amazing! I feel like chopping up some books hehe.

    I found your blog through Trissta and love it :) am now a new follower to see your awesome craft (and budget) ideas

    Talitha xx
