Wednesday, September 28, 2011

To-Do List

My project to-do list is getting longer rather than shorter.
I keep adding things to it rather than getting things done.
My weeks are getting slammed and there doesn't seem to be a let up in sight.
I have items to start and finish a bunch of projects but I'm just not finding the time.

I thought once my oldest went to preschool I would have more free time.

My Blog's Birthday week is NEXT week.
I can't believe I've been blogging on this blog for a year now.
I have some SERIOUSLY great giveaways planned! 
You will be blown away by the cuteness of the items.

p.s. Is food in the grocery store getting more expensive? 
I swear I used to never pay this much for groceries.


  1. Ummm the food is totally going up, crazy prices just to cook a simple dinner :) Ugh, and just as gas prices went down! ha!

  2. Its depressing how much more expensive food is becoming. Even if you aren't buying "name brands". I swear this whole country is going to be poor because people won't be able to afford groceries anymore.
    my crafting to do list is huge. and it doesn't help that i am incredibly taleneted at procrastination.
