Thursday, October 6, 2011

Cut It Out Already Frames - {Giveaway}

A couple weeks ago I went to a local boutique/gift show and I saw these really darling frames, 
from Cut It Out, that have a similar look to the really popular wavy edged frames, except these babies are about a THIRD of the price. They come to you in a natural wood state which leaves you to be able to paint the frame whatever color would suit your rooms color scheme!

So for a HUGE chunk of savings you would need to put a tad bit of elbow grease into your project and paint.

I plan on purchasing several of these frames to go with my Cinnamon Ink photos (I bought at the same gift show) (Go HERE to enter her Giveaway that we have going on simultaneously).

Ken from Cut It Out is so awesomely giving away FIVE 4x6 frames to ONE of my readers. 
Isn't that such a sweet prize. A whole frame collage for one person.

SEE! I told you they were super cute!
Check their site for more designs to choose from.

Here's how to enter:
You must be a Google Friend Connect Follower of my blog to enter, If you are not yet, all you have to do is go to "Followers" on the sidebar and click "Follow" and follow the directions.
1st Entry: Go to Cut It Out Facebook Page, "like" their page and come back and leave me a comment saying you did so.

2nd Entry: Join their email list by emailing saying "add me to your email list." come back here to this post and tell me you did so.
 Entry 3-5: Share this Giveaway on Facebook, Twitter and/or your Blog, come back to this post and leave a comment telling me you did so with proof* that you did. Separate comment for each thing you did.
* People are saying they don't know what it means or how to "prove it." It means to copy and paste the URL to where you had shared the giveaway link on twitter, facebook, or your blog. click on your status/tweet/or blog post that shows only that information and then copy and paste that url and put the url in your comment.

 This giveaway will end October 11th, winners will be announced Oct 12th via


  1. I like them!

  2. Joined the mailing list!

  3. Cute frames, hope I win them, would work great in my album Im currently working on. Im a follower already and went over to like Cut It Out Already.

  4. I like cut it out on fb

  5. how adorable. i liked them on fb and I follow you via gfc

    lauren51990 at aol dot com

  6. I liked the Cut It Out Facebook page.

  7. Hi, Hope I do this right this time but I have liked the page that you have recommended

  8. I have adked them to add me to theeir email list.

  9. Still not quite getting it. But I am trying. Is this it?

    Pamela C Herold wrote a recommendation for Cut It Out - Decorative Cutouts.

  10. Ooo, fun! I'd love to win these! I liked their FB page

  11. LOVE THESE!! I am a follower and "liked" Cut It Out on facebook!! Great Giveaway!!! ;)

  12. I like them on fb.

  13. I'm a new follower!

  14. I followed them on fb.

  15. I sent a msg. to be added to their mailing list. These are wayyy too cool!
    morrest1101 at aol dot com

  16. I tweeted!!/DonnaONeil/status/123882887421505536
