Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I know some of you don't need ANOTHER thing to do and keep up with!

But, if you WANT another thing to do...that doesn't HAVE to take up a lot of your time,

is a fun site that can help you keep track of all the fun things you find while surfing the net!

You can follow other people's pin boards and see what they love.

my user name is camillas

You have to be invited to join so if you want an invite than just send me a message with your email and I can invite you to join Pinterest

here's a screen shot of the home page this morning, 
just so you can see how it's set up.

So, if you are interested in Pinterest than shoot me a message at camillastarks(at)gmail(dot)com and I'll hook you up!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day

 I think I will have one of these and be patriotic!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Japanese Maple- Swoon!

OH My Heck!
I've been thinking about getting a second Japanese Maple for my flower beds in the front yard. I was at a local flower nursery (Glover) and scoped out their shipment. They were A.May.Zing!

Tamukeyama Laceleaf Japanese Maple
 See the picture below and to the left is my Japanese Maple that I already have. The one I bought today is going just across the walkway on the right. I am completely revamping that flower bed. I had a lot of stuff die over the winter. I dug it all out and got it prepped for new plants!

 And all these plants are going into the urns and I have an old antique wash tub that I plant flowers in every year!

 I love all these colors together, Can't wait to get them all done and looking good. I'll show you pictures when I'm all done.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Garden This Week

Saturday was such a nice day, I got a ton done in my flower beds.
I love my flowers! Bleeding Heart is one of my most favorite flowers in the world! 
What a beautiful creation, don't you think?
We went on a walk around the lake an came back and hung out in the front yard. My oldest loves to play with the water hose.
 Baby looking on wanting to join the action

 This bed looks a little bare because I dug up a bunch of stuff that died over the winter, but now it's a clean slate to add stuff to!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

{The Most Interesting Man in the World}

Is your husband anything like mine and LOVES the "Most Interesting Man in the World" commercials? (let me say it has nothing to do with it being a beer commercial, but he loves them for the goofy lines they come up with).

I think they are so goofy! But probably because my husband can go on and On and ON about them. He and his buddies make up new phrases for the commercial. It would not be unusual for my husband to get a random text messages late at night from one of the buddies with another phrases he made up. If the commercial is brought up while we are out with friends the conversation will last at least 20 minutes!

So anyway, I thought it would be so clever to make him a shirt with "The Most Interesting Man in the World" on it.

It was my very first project to do with my new Silhouette!

I was told to peel straight back at a 45 degree angle for the best results.

I used Flocked Heat Transfer...So it's kind of fuzzy...Can you tell?

Today's Creative Blog

Friday, May 20, 2011

Place Mat Pillow

There have been a zillion versions of the "Place Mat turned Pillow" out there.

Here's mine:

Start with Place mat that has an "inside" meaning there is two layers of fabric so you can 'stuff' it with filling. Then, you need the stuffing and also a seam ripper.

Open a small'ish hole with your seam ripper. A little larger than you can fit your hand into. Then stuff to your hearts content. As full or as un-full as you like your pillow to be.

Then I just hand sewed up the seam...took like 20 minutes, I stood at the back of my couch and did it, I went over it twice just so it wouldn't come undone.

Now, the trick it finding the perfect spot for the pillow:


Today's Creative Blog