My oldest turned 3 in May.
I have put off potty training as long as possible!
I have dreaded it more than anything else!
She already has potty issues...I have to give her Miralax everyday to make sure she goes #2.
If I want her to go to Pre-school in 6 weeks then I have GOT to get it done, NOW!
So we are doing lots of this:
Many of these:
Incentive is this:
And these if I have decided that she has done a really good job:
What are your tricks and tips?
I'm pretty much terrified of the whole thing.
I hate having to be tied to home all day and sitting on a potty every 5 minutes.
How do you do the nights?
How do you stay calm when she doesn't make it?
How do you keep the 1 year old from getting in the potty?
When do you stop giving treats?
When do you stop doing the Pull-Ups?
When do you stop giving them liquid at night?
I have about a thousand other questions.

I did the 3-day potty training (I blogged about it here).
ReplyDeleteIF you can manage to be in the house for 3 days... I admit, it was hard, but after 3 days we were completely pee trained. #2 took a little longer but I'm happy to say we are DONE!
My daughter hasn't been in a diaper since day 1 of the potty training. GOOD LUCK!
I set a timer (for a full day, and then part of the next day) and made them go about every 30 min, whether they needed to or not. It was like a HUGE party when they went. We hoot, holler, and dance around to make sure they knew it was AWESOME! Incentives are the key too I think. Good Luck!!!
ReplyDeleteI tried potty training for a full year. My pediatrician finally said.."enough". No more pull ups, ever. My daughter was almost 3yo and it was complete (even at night) within one week. That week was tough, but after a year of trying, I was willing to do anything! Good luck! (personally, I think the treats should go to the parents when they hold their temper after another accident!)
ReplyDeleteMy son is 3 1/2. We were making pretty good progress until the middle of last year, when I was pregnant (finally) with our second child. I was just too tired to deal with it. But now I'm getting fed up. I'm sorry but changing a diaper with "that big of poop" in it is disgusting. I think we did ourselves a diservice by calling his pull ups underwear. We started last week where if he's at home he wears big boy underwear. And if he can go a full day without accidents then he gets to go to target and pick out a toy that is $5 or less. We will see how it goes. He knows when he needs to go and yesterday we had a few accidents but my gosh it's so nice to NOT have to buy pull ups almost every two weeks.
ReplyDeleteMany deep breathing exercises.
ReplyDeletePotty training is not for the faint of heart. And is also one of my least favorite things to do.
All I can say is, this too shall pass!
Good luck!
Looks like you're stocked up with all the right things. :) I would say one thing--don't worry about nights (or naps) right away. That often comes later and it isn't a big deal if it doesn't happen simultaneously. Focus on daytime first. :) Good Luck! You'll make it!
ReplyDeleteDefinitely the worst developmental step so far. I have a 3 year old son who we had been working with forever! It took underwear and incentive. He knew he could not go swimming at school without being potty trained and all his friends were swimming without him, so he decided in his mind it was work it. It took one week so disgusting accidents and then BANG it was done. (we still use pullups at night) So far we've had one accident since then...gotta remind them when they're playing! Good Luck...I HATED it!
ReplyDeleteI have two girls. My oldest I started out training with pull-ups, then finally just put underwear on her. My youngest I started out training with underwear, and it went SO MUCH QUICKER! She was done pretty soon after she turned 2. It might be messier, (ok, it is messier) but it works! I agree with others-don't worry about naps and nighttime yet.
ReplyDeleteI think a parent can train themselves to get a child to the potty every time, and if that works for you, great.
ReplyDeleteI personally wait for my babies to be ready. The day they are ready, guess what? You don't really have accidents.
You would never try to force a child to walk or talk before they are developmentally ready; I don't understand why some parents put a deadline on their baby being in diapers.
I've now potty trained three kids and I get scared every time! This last time was the hardest and what I finally did was get those thick cloth gerber underpants and also some plastic covers (not the liner/underwear combo). Basically I just put those on my son and did nothing. Because of the liner, he could pee in them and it wouldn't leak to the floor but he could still feel the icky yucky wet. It only took a few days before he was asking to go to the potty. First he would just tell me he needed new underwear but it take more than a day or two before he started running to the potty instead. We had tried other things before and I was ready to give up. He had just turned two and was still really young. This was the last thing I was going to try before I took a break from potty training but it worked! I had to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe of elastic waist pants so that he could run straight to the potty instead of coming to tell me and me having to drop everything (my next baby was a newborn at the time) to help him with his pants but it was worth it and cheaper than diapers!
ReplyDeleteOther things I've done....let the kids run around naked outside. Every time they pee, you just point it out and tell them that they are peeing. Then you can put their little potty outside and then when you see them pee you run them to the potty and say how they need to put their pee in the potty. That worked really well for my oldest son and eventually we just moved the little potty inside.
It also sort of worked with my oldest daughter. With her, she would stay dry as long as she was naked. You put panties on her and she would pee every time. Maybe it felt too much like a diaper? Anyway, after being naked in the backyard, she wore lots of dresses with no panties on. Once she got over it and kind of "forgot" about diapers, she could wear panties again and still stay dry.
I do not worry about night time. It happens when it happens and is usually less related to potty training and more related to sleep habits. My second and third kids were dry almost from the very beginning but my oldest didn't stay consistently dry until he was 7! It was rather difficult for him that two of his younger siblings were dry at night and he wasn't but he is SUCH a deep sleeper. The doctor said not to worry and eventually it has all worked out. My suggestion to you would be to work on the day and then just put a diaper back on at night. At some point, probably sooner rather than later, your daytime training will stick enough that she'll be dry at night too.
I've got one more to potty train. I don't know why it's so scary but it sure is! Good luck!
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I think the every 30 minute idea is good. With Holds we just tried to make him sit until he went and then made a HUGE deal about it. He loved that. And then it became self-reinforcing. On another note, have you tried eliminating milk out of her diet? Is that what's making her constipated? Store milk doesn't have a lot of the enzymes to make digestion easy.... I have loads of opinions on the subject, but I'll stop. But that could be it...
ReplyDeleteI think the every 30 minute idea is good. With Holds we just tried to make him sit until he went and then made a HUGE deal about it. He loved that. And then it became self-reinforcing. On another note, have you tried eliminating milk out of her diet? Is that what's making her constipated? Store milk doesn't have a lot of the enzymes to make digestion easy.... I have loads of opinions on the subject, but I'll stop. But that could be it...