Thursday, June 2, 2011

Chex Muddy Buddies

My Sister-in-Law was the one that introduced me to Chex Muddy Buddies when I first joined my husbands family.
Every now and then I crave them! So last night was one of those nights. I love it because it's fairly quick to make and I usually have all the ingredients on hand. Bonus!

It's Chex cereal wrapped in chocolate and peanut buttery goodness with a coating of powder suger just to top it off!

 A close up so you can understand the yummy-ness even more.

(I forgot the peanut butter in my picture)

What you need:
9 Cups of Chex or Crispex cereal
6 oz of semi-sweet Chocolate Chips
1/2 cup Peanut Butter
1/4 cup Butter
1/2 tsp. Vanilla
1 1/2 cups Powdered Sugar

How to make it:
Measure cereal into large bowl - set aside.
Microwave Chocolate Chips, Peanut Butter & Butter in a bowl for about 1 minute on High. 
Stir and microwave another 30 seconds or until mixture is stirred smooth.
Stir in Vanilla.
Pour mixture over cereal and stir until cereal is well coated. 
Pour into a large food storage bag, add powdered sugar, seal bag, and Shake until evenly coated.

Enjoy with a glass of cold milk!



Unknown said...

Mmmm these look delicious even at 8 in the morning!

Newlyweds on a Budget

Mandi said...

These are dangerous. I could eat a whole bowl. I have everything but the chex. Looks like I need to go to the store.

Beth B. said...

Oooo...I usually only make this at Christmas time for some reason, but I could definitely polish off an entire bowl any time of the year. Speaking of the bowl...I love your pretty blue one!

Chef in Training said...

MMM! This looks and sounds DELICIOUS! I found your blog through a link party and I LOVE it! I am your newest follower and would love it if you would check out my blog and follow me too! Thanks!

Jen said...

Yum! I love making these and bringing them to a party (then I don't eat them all). They always get rave reviews.

The Iowa Farmer's Wife said...

YUM! I love this stuff, except we call it Puppy Chow! :) I might need to make some of this soon after reading your post.

Jenny said...

I just had some for dinner last night! LOL!

I only make a little at a time. I also don't put butter in it. You can't tell it's not there. I like it with Corn Chex the best!

Ashley said...

o man i love these!!! i will totally have to try this recipie :) thanks for sharing

Six of Us said...

I have a slight obsession with these. It might be best if you were to hide this post away... Oh, who am I kidding. THANK YOU! {:

CraftyCupcake13 said...

Hi Camilla! I'm your newest follower! I'm visiting from {I heart naptime} I saw your link up there and I LOVE this tutorial! I want to try this NOW! Anyway, I'm new to blogging! You can find me here:



Thanks for coming back and linking to THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS, next Monday is Father's Day Favorite Recipes, hope to see you linking up again!

Val said...

I could live of off these, alone!!

Anonymous said...

These are awesome, but I've never had a recipe for them. Thanks for posting! I'd love it if you'd come link up this and/or other recipes at my linky/contest!


keatseatsblog said...

Just found you at TGC. This blog looks awesome! When I get some more time (does that ever happen??) I can't wait to sit down and look through your stuff! Anyway, I'd love for you to link up to my Sweet Treats Party tomorrow. Hope to see you there :)

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

I'm thinking this is what we call around here "puppy chow". But I've never made it so it may be a little different.
thanks for sharing at catch as catch can

Beth said...

I LOVE this stuff and cannot be trusted around it. I'll eat an entire batch before I know it. So yummy :). Thanks for linking up.

Unknown said...

I have been known to consume an entire batch of these on my own. Delightful! Thanks for linking up with DIY under $5!

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