When my oldest moved to a 'big girl' bed I had all these high hopes of making her room adorable.
I quickly realized that I was not out of the woods yet. I still had to have her bed shoved up against the walls and have the ugly toddler railing that exposes the box springs for everyone to see.
The bed has to be piled high with 'babies' and a stack of books that are not to be removed under any circumstance.
So when I was recently at the Oh Sweet Sadie gift show locally here in Utah, I saw the most ADORABLE prints that I HAD to have from Cinnamon Ink: By Kate. Seriously almost bought one of each of them. Because I didn't necessarily have money enough to buy one of each I bought 3 hoping to do a cute arrangement on my daughters wall at some point.
I'm so in love with her work, check out the cuteness
(This was one of the 3 I bought)
I would show them all to you but you are going to have to go to her shop and see all the rest of the prints.
Kate is offering one of my readers any sized print that is in her shop right now! Any Size People!
How to enter:
must be a Google Friend Connect Follower of my blog to enter, If you
are not yet, all you have to do is go to "Followers" on the sidebar and
click "Follow" and follow the directions.
1st Entry: Go to Cinnamon Ink: By Kate, come back to this post and leave a comment on which print you would chose.
2nd Entry: Follow her Blog, leave her comment love and come back and leave a separate comment telling me you did so.
2nd Entry: Follow her Blog, leave her comment love and come back and leave a separate comment telling me you did so.
Entry 3-5: Share this Giveaway on Facebook, Twitter and/or your Blog, come
back to this post and leave a comment telling me you did so with proof
that you did. Separate comment for each thing you did.
This giveaway will end October 9th, winners will be announced Oct 10th via Random.org

I love the adventure awaits one, but since it would likely go in my youngest's room, I'm thinking a princess print would be in order. :)
I follow Kate's blog now too.
I have Cinnamon Ink prints in Q & M's rooms! I have the same princess one it sounds like you put in Quincie's room - great minds think alike :). Anyway, I've been wanting to order the "rub a dub dub" for the bathroom for awhile - that's what I would pick!
-Liz McDonald
I love all the prints, but the Shoot for the Moon print is my favorite!
I'm following the CinnamonInk blog & left a comment over there.
I tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/YaraTechnically/status/121247435241701376
Enter to win a fabulous print from CinnamonInk http://firstladyofthehouse.blogspot.com/2011/10/cinnamon-ink-by-kate-giveaway.html
I liked the girl with the balloons.
I followed her blog.
I posted on FB (I don't know how to give you proof but you will see on FB that I did.)
I like the Audrey Hepburn print but I would actually ask for a custom print with trains and my son in it. So creative!
I follow her blog.
I would choose the Audrey Hepburn Lipstick print!
I follow Cinnamonink and left a comment!
I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/Lealee33/status/123177552603922432
I shared the giveaway on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/permalink.php?story_fbid=259364224106371&id=1392606405
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